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Data Management Book Reviews

This website contains reviews of books, articles, software and other products.

Data Modeling Made Simple

Steve Hoberman - has delivered an excellent follow up to the first edition of Data Modeling Made Simple. This book takes the learner from introductory data modeling to more advanced topics. In addition, Graeme Simsion, Bill Inmon and Michael Blaha have written chapters that add to the value of this book.

Murach's MySQL - 4th Edition

Joel Murach has done it again. He has created a book that shows how to learn both entry level and advanced skill using MySQL, the popular open source databases. The book follows the same formula as other successful Murach books. Like a good cookbook, it provides descriptions on left pages along with helpful examples on right pages.

Murach's SQL Server 2022 for Developers

Joel Murach have created a wonderful book that teaches software developers how to take advantage of SQL Server 2022. It is a new edition in the series which showed how to master prior versions of SQL Server. The book follows the continues the practical "How to" writing style of other Murach books providing descriptions on left pages illustrated with helpful examples on the right pages.

Murach's SQL and PL/SQL

Joel Murach has created a book that shows how to accomplish Oracle database tasks like a professional. The book matches the successful pattern established by other Murach books. It is easy to follow, providing descriptions on left pages coupled with examples on right pages.


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