1952 | Grace Hopper, "the mother of COBOL", begins developing computer languages. |
1959 | The American Department of Defense (DOD) asked a group of specialists to develop a business language that met their demands. |
1960 | COBOL-60 (Common Business Oriented Language) is launched. |
1961 | First COBOL compilers are available. |
1965 | The momentum of COBOL success accellerates. |
1968 | The first COBOL standard, COBOL-68 is released. |
1970 | The COBOL-68 standard is accepted by The International Organization for Standardization (ISO). |
1974 | The COBOL-74 standard is released. |
1985 | The COBOL-85 standard is released. |
1989 | Intrinsic functions are added to the standard. |
2002 | The COBOL 2002 standard is released with object oriented capabilities. |
2009 | COBOL celebrates 50th anniversary. |
2019 | COBOL celebrates 60th anniversary. |
2020 | COBOL interest raises due to coronavirus crises. |
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