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Data and Analytics Tutorial

Data and Analytics Overview
Under Construction

Data and Analytics Success

Data and Analytics Strategy
Project Management
Data Analytics Methodology
Quick Wins
Data Science Methodology


BI Requirements Workshop

Architecture and Design

Architecture Patterns
Technical Architecture
Data Attributes
Data Modeling Basics
Dimensional Data Models

Enterprise Information Management

Data Governance
Data Quality

Data Stores and Structures

Data Sources
Database Choices
Big Data
Atomic Warehouse
Dimensional Warehouse
Logical Data Warehouse
Data Lake
Operational Datastore (ODS)
Data Vault
Data Science Sandbox
Flat Files Data
Graph Databases
Time Series Data

Data Integration

Data Pipeline
Change Data Capture
Extract Transform Load
ETL Tool Selection
Data Warehoouse Automation
Data Wrangling
Data Science Workflow

BI and Data Visualization

BI - Business Intelligence
Data Viaulization

Data Science

Descriptive Analytics
Predictive Analytics
Prescriptive Analytics

Test and Deploy

Security Architecture
Desaster Recovery
Sustaining DW/BI

Requirements Workshops - Data and Analytics Rolling Fast

Would you like to learn a productive way to gather requirements while building support for your data warehousing project?  The Data and Analytics Requirements Workshop is a great way to get that done.  Read this article to learn:

Roles and Responsibilities

The successful Data and Analytics Requirements Workshop requires a team effort with assigned roles and responsibilities:

The Facilitator leads the Data and Analytics Requirements Workshop and has responsibilities including:

The Data and Analytics Modeler asks questions to identify the data required to support business intelligence.  This may include diagramming facts and dimensions or asking related questions such as: "What are we measuring here?" or "How would you slice and dice that information?".

The Scribe records the results of the session including:

The Executive Sponsor provides a high level picture of the goals of the Business Intelligence program and show that executive management is committed to the program.  The User Manager provides expert input and encourages team member participation.  Business users provide subject matter expertise.

Room Layout

Arrange the room to be effective for workshop activities.  This means encouraging interaction between participants while focusing on the business intelligence requirements gathering that is the goal of the workshop. 

Business Intelligence Workshop Layout

Conducting the Data and Analytics Requirements Session

The successful Data and Analytics Requirements Session requires

Group Methods and Techniques

The Session Facilitator will use group methods and techniques to ensure a successful BI Requirements session:

Outcomes of Effective Data and Analytics Requirements Session

The Data and Analytics Requirements Workshop can have a number of positive outcomes:

The benefits and costs gathered are great supporting material for the Business Intelligence Business Case which in turn is key to the success of the program.


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