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Master DW

Data and Analytics Tutorial

Data and Analytics Overview
Under Construction

Data and Analytics Success

Data and Analytics Strategy
Project Management
Data Analytics Methodology
Quick Wins
Data Science Methodology


BI Requirements Workshop

Architecture and Design

Architecture Patterns
Technical Architecture
Data Attributes
Data Modeling Basics
Dimensional Data Models

Enterprise Information Management

Data Governance
Data Quality

Data Stores and Structures

Data Sources
Database Choices
Big Data
Atomic Warehouse
Dimensional Warehouse
Logical Data Warehouse
Data Lake
Operational Datastore (ODS)
Data Vault
Data Science Sandbox
Flat Files Data
Graph Databases
Time Series Data

Data Integration

Data Pipeline
Change Data Capture
Extract Transform Load
ETL Tool Selection
Data Warehoouse Automation
Data Wrangling
Data Science Workflow

BI and Data Visualization

BI - Business Intelligence
Data Viaulization

Data Science

Descriptive Analytics
Predictive Analytics
Prescriptive Analytics

Test and Deploy

Security Architecture
Desaster Recovery
Sustaining DW/BI

Data Quality

The results of Data And Analytics (DAA) is only as good as the data put into it. The saying "Garbage In Garbage Out (GIGO)" is all too true. Data Quality Management is the discipline of ensuring that data is fit for use by the enterprise.

DQM includes obtaining requirements and rules that specify the dimensions of quality required such as: accuracy, completeness, timeliness, and allowed values. It is part of a good Data Governance program. The following figure shows a step by step approach to improving data quality. DQM is an iterative process - expect to repeat this cycle multiple times to improve the quality of data.

Data Quality Methodology

DQM steps include:
  1. Define Goals, Rules and Standards: Set the overall approach to DQM.
  2. Identify Systems and Data Elements: Determine which systems and data elements should be in scope - start with the highest priority first - avoid "boiling the ocean".
  3. Identify Data Quality Issues: Find and prioritize problems to be solved - such as: missing data, inaccurate data, poorly formatted data and mismatched data.
  4. Determine Remediation Approach: Decide on the methods to be used to correct existing data and to prevent future DQ issues.
  5. Remediate Data: Carry out the remediation approach.
  6. Monitor and Control: Make sure that DQ is maintained in a sustainable, on going basis. Loop back to earlier steps to continually improve DQ based on enterprise priorities.


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