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Data and Analytics Tutorial

Data and Analytics Overview
Under Construction

Data and Analytics Success

Data and Analytics Strategy
Project Management
Data Analytics Methodology
Quick Wins
Data Science Methodology


BI Requirements Workshop

Architecture and Design

Architecture Patterns
Technical Architecture
Data Attributes
Data Modeling Basics
Dimensional Data Models

Enterprise Information Management

Data Governance
Data Quality

Data Stores and Structures

Data Sources
Database Choices
Big Data
Atomic Warehouse
Dimensional Warehouse
Logical Data Warehouse
Data Lake
Operational Datastore (ODS)
Data Vault
Data Science Sandbox
Flat Files Data
Graph Databases
Time Series Data

Data Integration

Data Pipeline
Change Data Capture
Extract Transform Load
ETL Tool Selection
Data Warehoouse Automation
Data Wrangling
Data Science Workflow

BI and Data Visualization

BI - Business Intelligence
Data Viaulization

Data Science

Descriptive Analytics
Predictive Analytics
Prescriptive Analytics

Test and Deploy

Security Architecture
Desaster Recovery
Sustaining DW/BI

Operational Datastore (ODS)

An Operational Datastore (ODS) is a type of database which integrates current data from multiple data sources (Integration Hub) and provides that data to operational systems such as web sites and downstream systems such as data warehouses. There are a number of other views as to the definition and function of the ODS.

The ODS typically is composed of the following zones:

  • Object: tables that are identified through business keys. The Object contains enough information to be identified. The primary key of the object is inherited by the Tie and Properties tables. Similar tables in other approaches include: header, master and hub (Data Vault).
  • Tie: tables that associate one or more Object tables. Similar tables in other approaches include: association, relationship and link (Data Vault).
  • Properties: tables that contain data elements that describe an Object or Tie. Property tables are designed to contain current values rather than history. This is a major difference between the ODS and the Atomic Warehouse.
  • Guide: tables that enable efficient and effective data access such as: hierarchy navigation, supertype / subtype and use conditions.
  • Reference: tables that contains static lookup data such as: calendards, currencies, countries and transaction codes.

The Operational Datastore (ODS) typically contains less data than the Atomic Warehouse because the ODS does not contain history and the ODS contains a more restricted set of data designed to support specific operational purposes.

Operational Datastore- Level 3


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